CommandLogic 360


Horace Mann School Testimonial
“We were first referred to CommandLogic 360 when we sought to further improve our emergency preparedness as it relates to critical incidents – especially something akin to an intentional mass casualty incident like an active shooter event. The CL360 team came to our school and delivered instruction on awareness, prevention & response to school attacks, followed up by a rigorous curriculum to address any casualties injured in the incident. With a strong background in local law enforcement issues – including Counter-terrorism, building response protocols and medical concepts within the pre-hospital environment, the team bolstered our staff’s confidence to mitigate and to respond to these types of incidents. We continued to use the consulting services of CL360 when deciding to further enhance our preparedness concerning other areas including overdoses, CPR, traffic safety, incident management and suicide awareness. The feedback from our personnel has been extremely positive because they felt empowered with the essential knowledge to address an array of hazards in the educational setting. CommandLogic 360 are indeed Premier Safety Consultants!”
Michael A. McCaw

Director of Security, Horace Mann School

Training at Fieldston

“In addition to managing the defibrillators (AED’s) at both our Manhattan and Bronx campuses, the CommandLogic 360 team provided instruction to our Bronx campus security personnel in its signature Point-of-Wounding Care course. The training content included awareness & response to active shooter and other hostile events, as well as hands-on practice in treating multiple patients that may be critically injured in the incident. I can say unequivocally that our security team felt empowered after the session: They were not only furnished individual Point-of-Wounding kits, but had ample practice to utilize its supplies in hyper-realistic scenarios. The realistic scenarios solidified their proficiency in all of the associated tasks, in a safe and positive learning environment. I would highly recommend CommandLogic 360 to any institution looking to bolster its medical preparedness for critical incidents — their team is first-rate!”

David Argenzio

Director of Campus Safety, Ethical Culture Fieldston School

Rescue Essentials

“We worked painstakingly with CL360 to custom build the Point-of-Wounding (POW) Kit to ensure it is extremely portable, and contains the most effective life-saving medical adjuncts for serious trauma, especially hemorrhage control. This was also the case for CL360’s Command Action Bag (CAB), which is among the best mass casualty kits on the market. The multitude of vital medical supplies, along with two types of patient extraction devices (GO Litter & Dragon Handle System), makes the CAB an invaluable resource for any organization that is serious about medical preparedness.”

Jorian Sartorius

Chief Technology Officer, Rescue Essentials

Bronx Community College

“I took CL360’s Point-of-Wounding Care training when Spartan School Consulting delivered it at CUPIC 2014 (Campus and University Police & Investigator’s Conference). This course is amazing! It teaches you valuable techniques that can be used as a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) on any critically injured officer, civilian or even yourself in catastrophic event. The best part is the majority of the course is hands on and not all power point, as we LEO’s dread enduring.  I STRONGLY recommend all LEO’s & security personnel take this course – at either an organizational level or individual level – because the end result of taking this course definitely won’t be disappointing. You’ll learn a lot!”

Officer Mohammad Saleh

Dept. of Public Safety, Bronx Community College, CUNY

Dimensional Training

“CommandLogic 360 delivered First Aid & CPR training at our Garden City studio in June 2015;  I was highly impressed at the level of professionalism of their entire staff! Not only was I assured that I was getting the most up-to-date information on best practices from the American Heart Association, the staff’s unique training methods really helped to increase muscle memory for all of the practical skills involved. The students definitely walked away with a high level of confidence that they could do something meaningful in a medical emergency. KUDOS to the CL360 team on a job well done!”

John Wood

Dimensional Training Studios

Garden City Fire Department Testimonial

“CL360’s POW Kit is so portable, whether carrying it on the person, or storing it in a readily accessible location. I feel confident knowing it has so many items for effective hemorrhage control. The Command Action Bag is the most comprehensive MCI kit I’ve seen; the inclusion of patient extraction devices is vital to improving survivability according to the ‘Hartford Consensus’.”

Brian Gallo

Assistant Chief, Garden City Fire Department

Techline Trauma

“CommandLogic 360 hits the nail right on the head! They are at the forefront of this type of civilian casualty care training; their team of expert instructors take students through a realistic and intense training experience that they will never forget. Students leave empowered to take life-saving action should the need ever arise.”

David Parry Jr.

Vice President, Techline Trauma